For whom is treatment in Mariánské Lázně not suitable?
- Transmittable infectious illnesses - from human to human
- All acute stages of illnesses
- Clinical signs of circulatory system failure, malignant arrhythmia and uncompensated hypertension
- Conditions after deep thrombosis, up to 3 months after subsiding illness, conditions after surface thrombophlebitis up to 6 weeks after subsiding illness
- Unstable and decompensated diabetes mellitus
- Frequently repeating profuse bleeding of all kinds
- Cachexia and malign tumours under the treatment and after with clinical detectable signs of continuing disease
- Active attacks of psychosis, mental disorders with anti-social manifestation and uncompensated epilepsy
- Addiction to alcohol, addiction to addictive substances
- Ill people, relying on the help of other person - acceptance of a patient with a guide is possible after prior arrangement
- Incontinency of urine and stool, enuresis nocturne
- Unhealing skin defects of any origin
- Pregnancy is also a contraindication