This site uses Google Analytics

This site uses Google Analytics provided by Google, Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics uses cookies. Information about the use of the site along with the contents of the cookie will be transferred and stored on servers in the United States. Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating the use of the site and reporting on its activities for its operators and for providing additional services related to the activities on the site and the use of the Internet in general. Google may also provide this information to third parties, if required by law, or if such third parties process this information for Google.

Google Analytics is enhanced by Google's related advertising features, such as: Google Display Network impressions, remarketing (displaying content ads based on viewed products), enhanced demographic reporting (reporting of anonymous demographic data).


How to Disable Google Analytics Tracking

If you do not want to provide anonymous Google Analytics data, you can use Google's plugin. Once installed in your browser and activation, data will not be sent further.

Learn more about data processing and usage in Google's terms of service..

Datenschutzeinstellungen und Cookies

Die Website verwendet Cookies, um Dienste anzubieten, Anzeigen zu personalisieren und den Datenverkehr zu analysieren.

Indem Sie das Folgende wählen, erklären Sie sich mit unserer Politik zum Schutz personenbezogener Daten und Cookies einverstanden. 

Sie können Ihre Einstellungen jederzeit ändern.
